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Notes Overview

1 min read

Notes were created as a way to organize your information better.

There are four types of notes:

Private – the notes can only be seen by the person that created them. The coach can see the number of private notes that a client has created, but they can never see the contents of the private notes.

Shared – Shared notes are notes associated with the client and visible to both the client and the coach. Both the coach and the client can add and edit them. Only the specific client can view these, not all the clients.

Coaches Notes – can only be created by coaches and assistants and can be seen by the coach and all the coaches clients.

Shared Admin Notes – Notes created by the coach or assistant, and only visible to them. They can be general notes or ones associated with a client. They are not visible to clients.

So for example, if you wanted to create a page of your favorite books that you think all your clients might be interested in, the coach could create a Coaches Note.

If the coach and assistants wanted to create some notes on a specific client, they could create it as a Shared Admin Note.  It would only be visible to the coach or assistant and be associated with the specific client they wanted it for.

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