Table of Contents
Ideas for getting started #
- You have been assigned some tasks that are similar to the steps below. Clients do not automatically get tasks.
- Complete your profile, especially the timezone. The timezone is important when you start scheduling out meetings.
- Create some coaches notes. The coaches notes are visible to all your clients. This is a good place for coaching guidelines, book recommendations, of anything else you think will benefit everyone.
- Invite your clients to the application. You have to visit the client area and send them an invitation email. The email they get will have your name in the subject and body of the email.
- Setup your PayPal or Stripe profile. Once you set it up, you will be able to easily automate your client agreements. We do not take a percentage of any agreement. We simply provide the integration to PayPal and Stripe as a convenience to you.
- Create a client agreement for the clients you are inviting. They cannot choose blocks of time for meetings until they have approved an agreement and paid.